Friday, May 27, 2011

Mini Vacation?

I am grateful to have the opportunity to spend 2 days, 1 night at my workplace which happens to be Sandals Grande St. Lucian Spa & Beach Resort!

I am keeping my fingers crossed that we (my significant other and myself) get a fabulous room, with a pool preferably of course! Being the Food & Beverage Secretary I was able to secure reservations at the best restaurant on the resort, named Gordon's after the CEO Gordon "Butch" Stewart.

Though it is only for one night I am still super excited and destined to have a wonderful time. My boo and I sure need it, being that we both work there and it can get stressful at times as with any job. Getting to experience what our guests do is a fabulous incentive and I applaud whoever came up with the bright idea.

Too bad it's only for one night! Off to pack I go! :-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Qualities of a Good Manager

And I continue on management. Once again I think managers need to be reminded of the things perhaps they have forgotten along the way. The information below was received from Maybe you should have your manager take a look! Hahaha

Qualities of a Good Manager

To be productive and successful as a manager, you not only need creativity, knowledge and a keen sense of the big picture, but also to realize the importance of observing a few procedures and following some basic common sense to promote a successful environment for co-workers and staff.

  1. Individual Qualities

    • The ability to listen is an essential quality for a manager. Through positive communication, a manager can establish himself as approachable, open to new ideas and respectful of others' opinions.


    • Receiving criticism from co-workers requires tact. Managers should support the initiative of others and be able to accept and work with their suggestions and changes.


    • A manager can be a role model and mentor. It is essential to observe an open-door policy, ensure that staff members have the proper tools, training and supervision, and be able to delegate tasks. It's also important to show appreciation for employees and treat them with respect.


    • Projecting a professional but friendly attitude will help put the interviewee at ease, allowing her to be more open and forthcoming in her responses.


    • A manager should be involved with his team. Actively interacting with co-workers and employees, listening to ideas or concerns, and effectively communicating to implement changes or new procedures will keep the team focused and moving in a positive direction.

Effective Management Skills

In the world of work today, especially in the hospitality industry it honestly feels like slavery has not been abolished. I'm speaking from experience and not on something I heard. I would like all managers to read the information below that I received off Maybe some of you need to be reminded of what it is to be a manager.

About Effective Management Skills

About Effective Management Skillsthumbnail
About Effective Management Skills

Effective management skills are always essential in any business, regardless of the type or size. A required skill package includes the ability to work with people and to be a team player, an aptitude for finance, a knack for efficient time-management and a talent for solid planning.

  1. Benefits

    • People Skills are Important

      Normally, people with effective management skills are successful whether they are in production, marketing, human resources, finance or other types of jobs. Success may be measured by progression up the corporate ladder, periodic salary increases, bonuses or a combination of these rewards. If a person owns the business, a reward for effective management can be bigger profits. The biggest reward for use of effective management skills is the satisfaction of doing a job successfully.

    People Management

    • Manage Time Efficiently

      In effective business management, good people skills are required for day-to-day interactions with peers, supervisors, employees and customers. It is important to create team spirit among peers so everyone works efficiently to achieve desired results. A supervisor must build good rapport with his employees so that they strive hard to accomplish goals as a team.

      Salesmanship is a people skill necessary for selling projects or ideas to management. A relationship with supervisors should exist where an employee is considered honest, capable and accurate. This same relationship needs to exist with customers. The consumer wants to deal with people he feels he can trust to deliver his needs in a timely manner.

      When dealing with other people, a person must be a good listener and show interest in what is being said.

    Time Management

    • Track Expenses & Income

      Efficient use of time is a primary part of effective management skills. Timely execution of small tasks make a successful day. Most paper, whether hard copy or electronic, should be moved across the desk one time. If a piece of mail does not require a response by the receiver, then It should either be tossed in the waste basket, filed for future use or passed on to the appropriate person for action.

      Effective business management entails using the most efficient method of communication for each situation, whether it be email, fax, telephone call or written material. Although it is sometimes necessary or appropriate, personal visits are the least efficient method of communication.

      Conducting meetings in a timely, efficient manner is a necessary management skill. In most cases, a meeting announcement should be delivered to expected attendees at least one week in advance. The announcement should include a request for an immediate confirmation of attendance, purpose of the meeting and the expectations. An agenda should be attached to the announcement clearly outlining discussion topics and who will lead each discussion. On the agenda, time needs to be allocated for each discussion point. During the meeting, the agenda needs to be strictly followed. The meeting chair must keep each discussion within the time limit and disallow any discussion that does not pertain to the agenda. Precise minutes need to be prepared which outline accomplishments of the meeting. These minutes should be distributed to all attendees and appropriate management.

    Financial Management

    • Planning is a Constant Process

      Regardless of the job, effective business management skills include an understanding of business finance. Business records must reflect an accurate accounting of expenses against the budget and must be used in making management decisions. These records serve as a measurement of efficiency.


    • Last, but not least, is the planning portion of effective business management skills. Before a company is even started, a business plan needs to be prepared. This document should include marketing and financial plans and set direction for how the company will be operated. Completion of a business plan, before money is spent on organizing a company, will give indications of whether the venture can be expected to be profitable. After a company opens its doors for business, planning and execution of these plans must be continued to keep the business on course. It is also important for each team or department to maintain annual plans. These plans should include goals and objectives for the year and this plan should be followed in selection of tasks and responsibilities.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Food For Thought

Pretty Little Liars

I love watching shows like Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory etc. I have recently fallen in love with the show Pretty Little Liars.

I had seen a few episodes on the channel Boomerang and found the show so interesting. I was puzzled of course since I had not seen it from the first episode. I decided to look it up online and watch from the very first episode. I am so happy I did that! Oh my goodness! I just could not stop watching even though I was getting sleepy. It is so interesting!

First, I honestly think it is now a bit overboard with these shows about teenagers who are attending high school especially. If my kid did half of the things these kids did.... Let's just stop right there. Sometimes I had to check myself and remember that these girls were actually teenagers! The things they did and spoke about were that of adults!

But my favourite thing about this show is the suspense and the mystery. I am so eager to find out who killed Alison and who has been messing with her best friends by sending those personal messages which are always signed by "A".

Have you watched? What do you think?

P.S. I think Emily is super cute (No homo).

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Movie Review - Arthur

I saw the trailor for this movie when I went to see "Jumping The Broom" last week so I decided to watch it online.

It was silly at times and romantic other times. I just loved it! 10/10 and two thumbs up! I was touched especially at the end and even shed a tear. A must watch.

What do you think?

Moriah Johnson Of Baldwin Hills....Gay?

A few weeks ago Baldwin Hills was a trending topic on twitter and everyone kept asking why. It was unfortunate to find out that it was because of the above picture which had been circulating of Moriah Johnson who was a part of the Baldwin Hills cast.

I can't even explain the disappoint I feel towards Moriah. Don't get me wrong, I am not against persons who are gay I just never expected that from him. Everyone said they now understood why he could not choose between Gerren and Tyler on the show.

Tsk tsk! I wonder what his (ex-NBA player) dad, Marques Johnson has to say about this! And his overprotecting mother too!

Movie Review - Something Borrowed

I just watched this movie "Something Borrowed" mainly because I was bored and I'd seen it on the line up of movies currently playing at our local cinema in St. Lucia.

I did not regret watching this movie. It is a romantic comedy and I must say "Dex" is one fine dude! Couldn't keep my eyes off of him throughout the entire movie.

Dex was engaged to Rachel's best friend who he'd actually met through her. He'd secretly loved Rachel throughout their years at law school but never told her so. He thought she did not feel the same hence why he pursued her best friend. Actually, Rachel was very much in love with him too but didn't think she was his type.

A night after Rachel's 30th birthday party which Darcy (her best friend) threw for her she and Dex took a cab together, where they began kissing. The next morning Rachel woke up in her bed next to Dex while Darcy was leaving constant voicemail messages on her house phone, saying that Dex did not come home the night before.

Boy did this movie have me on my toes sometimes. I kept wondering if someone would spill the beans because of all the weekends they spent in the Hamptons with friends. I will leave the rest for you to see for yourself.

10/10 for me! Two thumbs up! Great movie!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Mrs. Tia Mowry-Hardrict

As I stumbled across the photo above I was totally surprised. The Mowry twins have always kept their personal lives out of the spotlight. I think Tia looks absolutely beautiful as always.

I fell in love with Tia & Tamera while I was always glued to my television watching "Sister Sister" while Roger was always a menace to them. Those were the days. They have blossomed into the fabulous and professional women I knew they would be.

Tia Mowry-Hardrict most recently became my absolute favourite actress in my new obsession called "The Game" which plays on BET. Melanie Barnett-Davis is the perfect role for her and who doesn't love the fine Pooch Hall who plays her husband.

Tia, I wish you continued success in both your work life and personal life. You are already a wonderful mother!

Congratulations Tamera Mowry & Adam Housley!

Actress Tamera Mowry and Fox NewsAdam Housley got married in front of crowd of more than 300 guests at a vineyard on May 15, in Napa Valley, California. The couple looked dazzling as they posed for pictures after the ceremony. Tamera wore a strapless gown by designer Carolina Herrera.

The couple is currently honeymooning in Athens.

Congratulations Tamera & Adam. I wish you God's richest blessings on your marriage.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

St. Lucia Carnival - Sedale's Love On Di Road

Like most of you know, I am not a soca lover but Sedale is my homie and I support him 100%! I love this tune which was produced by Darence "Hitty" Paul.

Good Job! Keep it up Sedale!

St. Lucia Carnival - Toya's I'm Not Sure

And I continue with more local music!

Written and produced by award winning songwriter and producer Courtney "Curty" Louis for Stratosphere Music/ Dutch Productions I'm Not Sure is an anthem for independent women who sometimes get caught up in a love that hurts more than it feels good.

"I'm not sure baby/ I caan take no more/ I want you to know baby/ Every time I cry it's because of you" Breathing life into the track is Toya -- a relative newcomer to competition although she has been a fixture at a number of musical tents providing background vocals to everything from calypso to soca. Her voice is strong on I'm Not Sure entreating her man to treat her better because she is 'tired, fed up" and "caan take no more." The music is designed to make you hear and feel that pain with an interlude that allows Toya to belt out the true measure of an independent woman -- confidence! Wait and listen for it and understand that even in hurt a woman comes back because "sometimes I feel so lost but you can always find me"

New Video - Beyonce's Run The World (Girls)

This recent song "Run The World (Girls)" by Beyonce has had many people a bit surprised at the direction she took this time, being that the music is of Caribbean decent... Actually it is from an old reggae riddim. I wasn't feeling the song. Then I saw this video last night. I liked her dancing but the song still isn't her best.

Honestly, Bey get back to the old you. We have all seen what you can do and this is not it. The video was passable and the song..... The jury is still out on that.

What do you think about this video and song? Fabulous or epic fail?

Rest In Peace Alisha Hunte

21 year old Alisha Hunte was stabbed to death yesterday evening at her residence in Bois D' Orange, Gros Islet, St. Lucia.

First it was said that it was a robbery but as time passes the story is changing. Apparently her boyfriend went to the police station last evening and confessed that he had killed her.

I am saddened and heartbroken! Not just because a boyfriend killed his girlfriend but because she was also 5 months pregnant! It is clear that this man has NO HEART, to kill his unborn child and the mother of his child.

I am not certain if there had been domestic disputes between them or whether he was already physically abusing her but I heard that he was "obsessed" with her. I will say nothing more until I receive more information.

May her soul rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

St. Lucia Carnival - Marie Anne's Black Cinderella

It is that time again! Carnival time in St. Lucia. I am not much of a carnival fan but I know some of you may be interested in it. I will therefore be posting videos of soca songs for St. Lucia Carnival 2011 for all those who are interested.

This first one is by my former classmate Marie Anne named Black Cinderella. I love her music so she gets first dibs! Hehe

Enjoy! Let me know what you think.