Monday, May 2, 2011

What Is This????

After my first blog about the Water & Sewerage Company in St. Lucia things have yet to improve! We have had heavy rains for over a week now which has caused flooding and landslides in areas prone to them. We received a Facebook post which said the same as every other post saying that due to the heavy rains silt is blocking the pipes at the dam. For once that did not include something about busted pipes in communities or the treatment plant.

At this very moment I am pissed off! Being that it is a public holiday today in St. Lucia I decided to put some laundry to wash only to find a nightmare! My white laundry is now BROWN! Even after keeping the taps running for a while the water has yet to be clear. Of course I cannot drink this water, use it for cooking or doing my laundry! This is just like not having any water at all.

Pictures are worth a thousand words well take a look at the picture above! How are St. Lucians supposed to deal with this sort of service??? I know for sure we are tired and frustrated!