Sunday, May 8, 2011

Literature - "Connections" By Sheila O'Flanagan

I went into our main bookstore in St. Lucia yesterday with the intention to only purchase a Cosmo magazine and a local newspaper. Then I told my boyfriend that maybe it's time I picked up reading again as a hobby, since it's been a while since I've picked up a book.

I went through a couple of novels and wasn't impressed so I decided to leave the store, only to stumble across a section with a sign which read "Books on sale as low as EC$2.50". I looked through the books and was about to leave again when I saw the cover of the book entitled Connections which was written by Sheila O'Flanagan which said "Sun, sea and sparkling storytelling ... welcome to paradise". This had me intrigued immediately.

When I turned to the back of the book the top read "Welcome to the Caribbean resort of White Sands...". Being that I live in the Caribbean I purchased the book immediately because it looked very interesting.

I have just commenced reading and I love it already! I will update you on the events after I am done reading it.