Sunday, June 26, 2011

Movie Review - Charlie St. Cloud

I am extremely late on watching this movie since it came out in 2010 but I don't really like sad movies. Being bored on this beautiful Sunday afternoon I decided what the heck. I uploaded the movie, took a nap while it was loading and watched it as soon as I woke up.

I have always loved Zac Efron (minus his ex girlfriend, Vanessa Hudgens) but never realized how much of a great actor he is until I saw this movie. This is an extremely emotional movie and had me bust into tears sometimes. After losing his only brother he almost lost the only girl he ever loved.

I give this movie 10/10 and two thumbs up! I have always seen the ending of the movie on television but I am happy I finally got to watch it from the very beginning. I lost my mom just after my eighteenth birthday so this made me even more emotional.

If you still haven't seen this movie I suggest you do. Very touching.