Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fed Up With WASCO St. Lucia!

It is expected that SOME TIMES a utility company may experience technical difficulties and for a short period of time may not be able to provide you with the service. This is not the case with the Water and Sewerage Company in St. Lucia.

Even before Hurricane Tomas hit St. Lucia we were receiving mediocre water service. Some may argue that we should not expect much from a company if the standard price is EC$7.35/US$2.71 per 1000 gallons. It is however still important to remember that the company is providing a very crucial commodity to our daily lives. As the saying goes "Water is Life" and therefore they need to understand that it is extremely important to have running water for so many reasons! Do I need to state this numerous reasons? I think not!

After Hurricane Tomas hit on Saturday 30th October, 2010 the service has become even worse. Most of the damages were done by the hurricane as pipes were busted due to heavy silt and there was some damage to the dam where most of our water supply comes from. Most of us stayed a few months without water and to date some communities do not get a regular supply at all and have to depend on rivers, which isn't really safe.

My argument is, should WASCO need to charge consumers more in order to provide better and efficient service then DO SO! We are tired of the excuses that pipes continue to burst due to some rain pour every now and then. As I type this right now I currently do not have running water at home, which I discovered after coming home from a hard day's work. The worst part of it is that absolutely no notice is given to the public until days after they have closed the pipes. I find this to be extremely unprofessional and we are all frustrated with this company and demand a change!

My fellow St. Lucians we need to take a stand! Let your voice be heard on their Facebook page:!/home.php?sk=group_162196610484862 <---Click the link

Sweet Aaliyah Dana Haughton

I am currently watching/listening to as many of Aaliyah's videos/songs as I can get my hands on. Her music touched me in so many ways as a teenager. 4 Page Letter gave me the courage to write my feelings for a boy on paper. One In A Million made me hope to find that special guy who would love me like no other. Try Again made me dust myself off and try again if I failed at something. We Need A Resolution made me a little wiser about disputes in relationships. More Than A Woman gave me the strength and courage to be a great woman. Then, Rock The Boat continues to this day to make me shed tears for her, as this was the last music video she made before her tragic plane crash.

You touched so many lives with your great music and your classic appeal. She was beautiful, smart and a great dancer. It's just a shame that all that talent had to be taken away from us at such a young age, but God always knows best.

Aaliyah Dana Haughton, you were an angel on earth. Continue to rest in paradise with God and the angels in heaven. We continue to miss you as if it were yesterday, more than a decade later.

I will forever listen to your songs and watch your videos because I was truly one of your biggest fans!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Birthday Dedication To My Love

I always wondered if I would ever meet that prince charming I read in the fairytale books and saw in the cartoons. I never thought it could happen with my bad luck in relationships. It is now safe to say that I have found my soul mate. The one who makes my heart beat faster and slower at the same time just by being in my presence, the one who knows exactly what I'm thinking without me having to say anything, the one who rocks my world, my knight in shining armor, the one who proved that not all men are dogs. I thank God everyday for bringing this man into my life. I have loved before but never like this!

Jermal celebrated his birthday on April 6th where we had a fantastic evening under the stars having a candlelight beach dinner. The entire month of April is dedicated to you babe. God made you just for me and I am truly thankful. I love you with all my heart and I know that he will continue to direct our path through life, together.

Happy Birthday Babe! Xoxo

Jay :-)

The Secret Life Of The American Teenager

I've realized that I have a love for teenage movies. I have no idea why especially at my age. Anyway! I love the drama in the secret life of the American teenager. I'd have to say though that if my child (not that I have any as yet) did half of the things these teenagers do I'd really sort them out, Caribbean style! In the mean time I'll keep watching this series.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Movie Review - "Mama, I Want To Sing"

I was not sure if I wanted to watch this movie as my favourite types of movies are comedies. I don't really read the storyline etc. about movies. As long as the name and actors interest me then I watch it. This time around I decided to see what singer Ciara had in store for me! I must say that I did not regret watching this movie. It was so touching at times and so real as well.

Amara Winter, a strikingly beautiful and charismatic young singer, is on the verge of pop stardom. Raised in the church by her father, Reverend Dr. Kenneth Winter and mother, Lillian Winter, Amara and her younger brother Luke have a very strong bond. After her father's untimely death, her mother is thrust into the limelight in the role as preacher, a daring move that ultimately catapults her to the top of the gospel world. Paralleling her mother's success, Amara soon becomes a huge star in her own right, taking the pop music world by storm. Conflict begins to ensue when her mother is confronted with and unequivocally disapproves of Amara's secular music and videos. Amara must learn to pursue her dreams while both navigating the often treacherous world of celebrity and striving to remain true to herself and family. Amara and her mother must work through their differences realizing that their journeys are not quite so different after all.

I must say again that I absolutely loved the movie and I think Ciara did a fabulous job!

Movie Review - "The Roommate"

I finally got around to watching the movie The Roommate. I heard it was a horror so I was kind of skeptical to watch it since I don't ever watch those types of movies. Yup, I'm a scaredy cat! I watched it during the day because I definitely could not watch it at night hehe

I must say the cast was thee best! I absolutely love Leighton Meester and she definitely surprised me! She acted as a psycho person so well! Her roommate also impressed me especially at the end when she took care of business. I also think she is very pretty! And her boyfriend was HOTT!

From what I've heard not many people were impressed with the film due to it not being as scary as they thought it would be but I absolutely loved it and would watch it again. I give it a 10\10! This also shows that college kids need to watch out for the roommate they may end up with. Be smart and do your research if you find something is weird with your roommate.

A round of applause for all of the actors! You did very well! Keep up the great work!

Have you seen this movie yet? What are your thoughts?

The Wendy Williams Show

I have not watched the Wendy Williams Show in a long time, mainly due to my busy schedule during the week but thanks to it being a holiday today in Saint Lucia I was able to watch it.

When this show first started I wondered whether Wendy was really a female. I'm sorry to say but she looks like a transsexual. I still love you regardless Wendy!

Anyway, I love her because she is REAL! She says what she feels and doesn't care if you agree with her or not. The hot topics is always my favourite segment!

Keep doing what you're doing Wendy!

What do you think about the Wendy Williams Show?

Trey Songz For St. Lucia Jazz Festival

My boo Trey Songz will be performing at Saint Lucia Jazz Festival this year! I am soooo excited! He's an artist I admired greatly and always wished to see him perform live and I do get this opportunity on Saturday May 7th, 2011 at Pigeon Island. Am I excited or what?

For more information on the Saint Lucia Jazz Festival please visit

New Music Video - Gaza Slim Ft. Vybz Kartel

Although I'm not a Vybz Kartel fan I really liked this song "One Man" from Vanessa Bling aka Gaza Slim. Enjoy!

Celebrity Status - A Bit Out Of Hand?

As I glanced through the pictures of Kendall Jenner on Facebook and I read the comments under those pictures I just wondered has celebrity status gotten out of hand? And when it comes to the Kardashian/Jenner clan I think we've gone way overboard!

The way I look at it is that we idolize these persons who are actually just regular people just like us well with a lot more money in their bank account than most of us. My question is, why should we be so absurd in the way we treat them? We don't treat God that way do we? When he is the only being we should be so crazy about. I love celebs like Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron, Monica Arnold-Brown just to name a few because of their talents but I am not ready to bow down to them, kiss their feet or behave absurdly to get an autograph! Sorry! You are REGULAR folks just like me!

What do you think about this? Have we gotten out of hand with this whole celebrity thing? Let me know what you think.

Happy Easter!!!

Happy Easter to all of my fabulous readers! It was a four day weekend in Saint Lucia for Easter and I enjoyed every bit of the rest and relaxation and also the reflecting of what Jesus went through for us all!

Hope you have a fabulous week!


"William & Kate"

Haven't blogged in forever but I just had to write about this movie I saw!

The whole Prince William and Kate Middleton story was turned into a Lifetime movie. Had no idea what movie I was watching as I had not seen the beginning then I heard someone mention Prince William and I was like oh my God! This movie was so touching and even left me speechless at times. I've never read any articles about them or listened to the news about their wedding mainly because I feel that they don't know me so why should I be interested but I wish them all the best with their marriage and future endeavors. They both graduated with honors so I know they will make smart decisions.

P.S. I still think Prince Harry is hotter! lol