Monday, April 25, 2011

Celebrity Status - A Bit Out Of Hand?

As I glanced through the pictures of Kendall Jenner on Facebook and I read the comments under those pictures I just wondered has celebrity status gotten out of hand? And when it comes to the Kardashian/Jenner clan I think we've gone way overboard!

The way I look at it is that we idolize these persons who are actually just regular people just like us well with a lot more money in their bank account than most of us. My question is, why should we be so absurd in the way we treat them? We don't treat God that way do we? When he is the only being we should be so crazy about. I love celebs like Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Zac Efron, Monica Arnold-Brown just to name a few because of their talents but I am not ready to bow down to them, kiss their feet or behave absurdly to get an autograph! Sorry! You are REGULAR folks just like me!

What do you think about this? Have we gotten out of hand with this whole celebrity thing? Let me know what you think.