Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fed Up With WASCO St. Lucia!

It is expected that SOME TIMES a utility company may experience technical difficulties and for a short period of time may not be able to provide you with the service. This is not the case with the Water and Sewerage Company in St. Lucia.

Even before Hurricane Tomas hit St. Lucia we were receiving mediocre water service. Some may argue that we should not expect much from a company if the standard price is EC$7.35/US$2.71 per 1000 gallons. It is however still important to remember that the company is providing a very crucial commodity to our daily lives. As the saying goes "Water is Life" and therefore they need to understand that it is extremely important to have running water for so many reasons! Do I need to state this numerous reasons? I think not!

After Hurricane Tomas hit on Saturday 30th October, 2010 the service has become even worse. Most of the damages were done by the hurricane as pipes were busted due to heavy silt and there was some damage to the dam where most of our water supply comes from. Most of us stayed a few months without water and to date some communities do not get a regular supply at all and have to depend on rivers, which isn't really safe.

My argument is, should WASCO need to charge consumers more in order to provide better and efficient service then DO SO! We are tired of the excuses that pipes continue to burst due to some rain pour every now and then. As I type this right now I currently do not have running water at home, which I discovered after coming home from a hard day's work. The worst part of it is that absolutely no notice is given to the public until days after they have closed the pipes. I find this to be extremely unprofessional and we are all frustrated with this company and demand a change!

My fellow St. Lucians we need to take a stand! Let your voice be heard on their Facebook page:!/home.php?sk=group_162196610484862 <---Click the link