Thursday, September 17, 2009

What's On Jay's Mind?

Question! Why do people expect you to accept them as they are but they cannot accept you as you are?

This question has been on my mind all week! People in this world expect you to accept their "flaws and all" without asking any questions or making any comments. When it's time for them to accept you as you are they can't and try to change you instead, to suit them.

I have always been an antisocial person, that's just me and that has always been me. I don't like to mingle or go clubbing or do anything adventurous because that is just me. I love being by myself because the way I see it is that people just complicate your life.

Nothing you do or say can ever please anyone in your life, no matter how hard you try and I have learnt that the hard way. So I came to the conclusion that you can only make yourself happy and to hell with the rest!

I see people making themselves unhappy just to let the other persons in their lives comfortable. Why should I make myself unhappy so that you can be happy? It's clear that you don't care about me or my well being because just as you expect me to accept you as you are then I expect you to accept me as I am!

People in today's society need to get over themselves. They need to realise that the only person you should worry about making happy is The Almighty Father. He is the ONLY being worth pleasing.

You make mistakes just like me, you have your own dirty habits just like me, you are no better than me, so why should I sacrifice my happiness and peace of mind for you???

Like my deceased mom told me: "There is only one thing you MUST do is DIE!"

So check yourself before you wreck your self before you try to change someone into what you want them to be. Each man was created differently for a reason! Remember that!