Saturday, April 10, 2010

"Last Girl On Earth" Concert Tour Drama....

I read this article on

Word on the streets is that TOP BITCH Ego’s have kicked in from both Rihanna and Nicki Minaj’s camp surrounding this “Last Girl on Earth” concert tour drama.

According to media sources:

An insider explained: “No one [in Rihanna's camp] is panicking yet, but there is DEEP concern that Rihanna has peaked, and is on the downside of her music career. Nicki [Minaj] was brought in to sell tickets, but Rihanna did NOT want her on.”

Someone close to Young Money allegedly said: “Nicki is not an opening act, and we would never put her out there like that.”

Something told us that Rihanna + Nicki Minaj + Concert Tour = Bad Idea.

Who deserves to the the opener versus the closer of this one?

When Nicki first tweeted that she was going on tour with Rihanna I was like huh? It just didn't make any sense to me. I'd still like to know whose bright idea it was in the first place! Then reading that Nicki was brought on to sell tickets but Ri-Ri didn't want her on. As TheRunDown states.... Rihanna + Nicki Minaj + Concert Tour = Bad Idea!

What are your thoughts on this?