Friday, April 9, 2010

Jay's Spiritual Poem Of The Day

Love Like My Lord

by Emily Derry

I long to love as does my Lord,
For peace I wish and no discord,
Good things for all, ill will for none
Yes, Lord, Help me love everyone.

I long to help all those in need
And to defeat those who love greed.
To do for those who can't repay,
I long to love all every day.

I want to love like Christ, My King,
To give my all, my everything,
Yes, seek and help those without love,
And truly love like God above.

I long to love with pure desire,
To lift down-trodden from the mire,
To help the helpless as I may,
And live to love another day.

I hope that all may love one day
While greed and hatred go away,
That like the gracious one above.
We all may learn to live and love.

I'd like to dedicate this poem to my fellow sister in Christ, Sallet.