Thursday, July 14, 2011

Penicillin Thigh Injection

Today had to be one of the worst days of my life. I have never been scared of needles but after today I am not sure about that.

I had been suffering with a really bad sore throat since Sunday where it got to the point that talking was not an option for me neither was I able to eat or drink anything. I finally went to the doctor today because last night I had a really high fever and my entire body started aching.

After my check up I was told that my tonsils were extremely swollen hence my inability to speak, eat or drink. I was then sent to our central health centre for a penicillin injection which was supposed to relieve my pain. WRONG!

Just before the rude nurse was about to give me the injection she asked whether I had already eaten something for the day. I told her no due to my sore throat. She then asked me to go drink a malt or something as this injection is extremely painful so she cannot do it before I do so. I immediately held back some tears. It was bad enough I had not had a proper night's sleep or eaten in two days for me to endure an extremely painful injection. If I had not already paid for it I don't think I would have done it.

Anyway, I walked over to a nearby mini mart, bought a Piton Malta and drank it while walking back to the health centre. I called my boyfriend who tried his best to console me but I was already terrified. I then called my boss (who I am very close to) who tried her best to console me as well but that still didn't work. I sat for a few minutes waiting to be called in while I tried to put on a tough exterior.

I was then brought into an office where I had to put out my thigh and there it was! Felt like I had strained a muscle in my thigh and then it started to sting. I immediately felt weak and my thigh was on FIRE! I stood to cover up quickly as the centre has no privacy. I had to call a friend to pick me up as I was not able to walk to my bus stop. As soon as I got home I bust into tears. That was the most horrific experience of my life and I never ever want to experience this again.

I just read some comments online where persons who have already done this say it is painless and like a regular injection. So why didn't I experience that??? Many hours later the area has become extremely sore and I am unable to walk properly and I am supposed to go back to the doctor in the morning as well as go to get some blood tests done. I definitely don't think I will be able to leave my house tomorrow!!! Lord help me!

Have any of you had this injection before?