Sunday, December 13, 2009


I have finally seen the most talked about movie "Precious". It is definitely a movie to see! I was so touched that it made me think about certain things that happened in my past. They were not as extreme as what happened to Precious but it still made me look back.

I just cannot comprehend how a mother could knowingly let her man/child's father rape his child and father two of her children! What puzzles me even more is that it started at the tender age of three!!! Isn't a mother supposed to protect her young one against these things?

I was mad as hell throughout most of this movie but in the end Precious did what she had to for herself and her kids and that's what matters!

To all the mothers out there who knowingly let men/people hurt/abuse their kids, I'll pray that the Lord has mercy on your soul when you get to the gates!

What are your thoughts and/or feelings on this movie?